Donia Jourabchi at AIR Laboratory CCA Ujazdowski Castle
We are happy to announce the residency of Donia Jourabchi in AIR Laboratory CCA Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw!
The Warsaw edition of SoC-CoS aims to react to the actual problems in the city soundscape – research on sound in its political and ecological aspect.
In 2016, the sounds of demonstrations and political protests became a very important part of the sonic environment of Warsaw. Organisers of these events were rarely aware of just how important a role sound can play during protest. The activities of sound artists Donia Jourabchi and Davide Tidoni, invited to partake in the residence at AIR Laboratory in June and July 2016, were linked to the topic of the acoustic design of demonstrations, politics of sound, and the critical potential of soundart. The sound, in this case, is considered a tool that can be used by the citizens to express their political opinions and stand up for their rights. Residents cooperating with Warsaw artist Edyta Jarząb and Cafe Kryzys were searching for new strategies of designing the sound of political protest and protesting through the use of sound; they organized workshops and improvised sound interventions in public space, but also actively participated in the ongoing demonstrations. The ongoing research on political activism and sound will be summarised in the form of short publication, whose launch is expected to take place in the Autumn of 2016.