Russula Camp: Blueberry techno & Mushromm beats & Playing the house

The week started with thoughts and mushroom field work and ended with John Cage's birthday.
SEE all image on the Facebook timeline
Mise en Abyme on Hailuoto [from Anne Lepère]
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At first you’re arriving on an island, you hear stories of this Hailuoto community.
What is happening here is like a micro-life for sure expandable on a larger scale.
Interactions on a local level are revealing best and worth of the human being but it can be stronger to live it in a little space where people are able to discuss about any problem coming out.
Argue, reflexions, debate, acceptation, …
In here you can find the codes of a more global society, which position for the stranger, the children, the elderly in this community? How to react with drama? … How to move in this space with the particularity of an island with a very define territory?
To live in community ask an understanding of the world around us.
Understanding & composition.
A composition which do care about the others while respecting yourself in the same time.
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On a second level of community life….. living with 10 strangers
10 people listening carefully to each others but without any efforts, creating a smooth atmosphere where everybody is moving softly.
Usually it takes time to be able to act out your own rhythm within a group without leaving your path… anyway here it’s seems so easy.
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Then, on a third level these 10 guys are exploring this astonishing place: the Organum
Organum, a space on the island where you can also hear yourself belonging to a space. Bringing you to the awareness of a resonant inside.
Like a skin between voices and world…
Your own voice has an effect on each walls of this architectural proposition, except when suddenly sound is absorbed by a hole, natural openings on the environment around.
Also, fascinating by one sound, focusing on it, you may forget the ensemble and it becomes uneasy to observe the all life inside this Organ.
It can be a fragile composition :
Outside feeding the inside...
Inside feeding the outside.
And maybe that’s here that we reach the 4th step of the “mise en abyme” process…
- 4 –
Behind the ear
Deeper & deeper
To reach silence / calm / understanding / acceptation
Maybe the most we use our ear carefully the most the limit decrease with external life …
… and finally we belong to a same space a same world
Melting the borders …
ORGANUM workshops
iPAD - mobile technology workshops
Blueberry techno & mushroom beats
music, sound, performance, meaning, field, locality, politics & listening discussions
more too come soon